Friday, December 3, 2010

3. Last time we met: Conversation Partner

The last time I met my conversation partner was at the Starbuck's coffee shop in the bookstore. She was already on campus and I had class later so we decided to stay on campus. We met, had coffee, and talked about our goals in life. This is the first time that I saw Julia so enthusiastic about her future.
Julia came to America to learn English. Not only does she want to learn English, but she wants to learn sign language. There are children in her home country that are deaf. She wants to learn sign language in order to communicate with them and help them. She also feels English is a necessary thing to learn if she wants to grow and make more friends in life. Julia is amazing in this aspect. She has many goals and ambitions, most for other people.
This goal of helping and becoming a teacher for some people is similar to my goal in life of becoming a doctor. This allowed Julia and myself to connect and we further talked about our goals. Julia's husband travels the country and teaches students "knowledge". Julia would like to help her husband out in this aspect and this is where the English comes in. She could teach people English all over her country, "the beautiful country".
After we talked about our goals, we had a laugh about something that had occurred earlier that day. The last time that we met, Julia introduced me to one of her good friends in the EPL program. His name was John, or 서보성 in Korean. I know this because he facebook messaged me, telling me he is my friend and I am introduced to myself. We both figured that he meant he was the person Julia introduced during our last meeting. Julia had told me earlier that if I ever wanted to go to Korea, I had a place to stay. This information must have been passed on to John because he asked me if I was interested in Korea. We both laughed. It was funny and a good way to end our conversation.
The sad thing is, Julia and myself have not met since. She is now out of town, on vacation with her husband, so our conversation is only occurring over facebook at this point. The last I heard from her was just after Thanksgiving. She wanted to know how my Thanksgiving went with my family. We had discussed that I was going back home over the break. She also wanted to update me on her vacation with her husband. They are traveling to many places, her favorite so far has been the hot springs in Arkansas. I do not know why someone would take a trip to Arkansas, but she informed me that it was very relaxing. Overall, I had a great experience with Julia and hope to continue in next semester, even if it is only over facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Clay-

    It sounds like you developed a friendship with Julia, how exciting! She seems like a driven person with many goals which are important in life. I could not imagine not having any direction, it would make things confusing and boring. Also, the fact that she wants to learn sign language is neat. My roommate last semester took a sign language class and it looked like a lot of fun. It seems like Julia has a great hear. Also, I would like to point out that Arkansas is a pretty state. Don't Hate. :) I had to visit my brother there and they have some great hiking trails and pretty fall trees! Although it is not as beautiful as Colorado, it's still nice.

